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Possible defenses for Texas DWI charges

Facing DWI charges in Texas can be frightening. However, several defenses might be available to you, even if you took a breath test that registered .08 or higher. Depending on the situation, you might get the charges reduced to reckless driving or dismissed entirely....

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What Adderall does and does not do

Adderall is a stimulant drug used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It works by regulating the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which people with ADHD do not produce in sufficient quantities. Abuse of Adderall is common among...

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What are my rights with campus police?

Dealing with campus police can be a scary experience, but you have rights as you do with any other law enforcement. However, there are some complications that could occur. According to The College Post, you always have your basic rights, such as remaining silent, when...

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How do I tell an employer I’m a felon?

Once you have a criminal conviction, it can complicate many areas of your life. Employment is often an area in which you will have problems. Employers have the legal right to check your criminal background, and many of them will do so. This makes it incredibly...

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How much alcohol does it take to get drunk?

The last thing you want to happen after spending a night out with friends is a DUI charge. However, it is easy to go overboard when drinking and wind up getting more inebriated than you originally planned. This will lead you to legal trouble if you are above the legal...

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