What is first-time offenders Program in Texas?

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2019 | Firm News |

Numerous consequences follow after you commit a crime. Some may be life-changing, while others may be too extreme. If you happen to commit a non-violent crime, there are other alternatives to spending time in jail or getting a dirty mark on your record. The State of Texas allows you to join a first offender program.

A first offender program helps you and any other convicts avoid the full effects of the convictions you are facing while at the same time preventing you from committing the crime ever again in the future through counseling and rehabilitation. One mistake should not prevent you from living a healthy life or stay without employment.

The Texas felony charge act for first-time offenders provides leniency for first-time offenders. Instead of giving them the maximum sentence of a felony that is 2 to 99 years in jail, they are all taken through rehabilitation and counseling and sometimes even community service.

A similar program was set up for first-time DWI offenders in Texas, giving you two years of probation and a non-disclosure after completing the probation period. A non-disclosure prevents anyone from having access to your record hence safeguarding you from background checks by employers or anyone else.

The state of Texas provides you with a way out of the dilemma through the first offender programs. However, the program is not for everyone since not all crimes qualify for such a treatment. According to Legal Beagle, you may get into the program if you get a misdemeanor or a first felony while having a clean record.

This information is for educational purposes only. Please do not consider it as legal advice.